Common Names:- None
Synonyms:- Andryala corymbosa, Andryala integrifolia var. corymbosa.
Meaning:- Andryala Of uncertain etymology.
Integrifolia (L) With entire leaves.
General description:- Greyish-tomentose annual.
1) 12-80 cm, sparingly to much-branched, with sparse to dense stellate and short
2) Lower, usually narrowed at the base.
4) Basal, usually few.
5) Cauline, numerous, sometimes aggregated towards the base.
Key features:-
1) Involucre with numerous glandular hairs.
2) Involucre 7-11 x 5-10 mm.
Habitat:- Maritime sand, streambeds, abandoned fields and ruderal habitats. 0-200
m. occasionally in dry open shrubby vegetation up to 900 m.
Distribution:- In Greece almost restricted to the Aegean area. - Mediterranean
region and SW Europe, eastwards to SW Anatolia. Very rare on Crete currently
known only from the area north of Matala
Flowering time:- End of Apr to mid-June.
Photos by:- Kind permission of Saxifraga - Free Nature Images